Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bleak& Dreary

      I hate this year's christmas, it's so sad and just made my self- esteem sink even lower. There were problems from here to there, there were even some that I didn't know existed. I actually thought and hoped that  i'm going to use this year to chase all those dreams that seemed so impossible before, but what did I just end up doing? Yes, I gave up some of those aspirations. but, knowing me i'd probably just find a way to vent out this feelings by asking my mother to buy me sorts of things. But deep inside I know that doing so will not help me get rid of those sleepless nights accompanying failure.
          I can only wish right now is a better year for me in my frustration. pffft.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Frosty& Santa

           Okay, there is no doubt that christmas is the glamorous of all holidays. Why not? The glittering lights and the excuse to be over the top is enough for it to be everyone's favorite holiday. It used to be mine too,when I was studying I would go home from school and just be surprised and overwhelmed by the sudden change in our house.


              The sudden appearance of this collection was so surprising for me when I saw it that I suddenly became excited on other future Christmases.

              And now that Christmas is here again I think I wanna change my mind. It's my first christmas as a non-student and this is where the horror begins. My mother tells me that its time to put up decorations and tells me that I should do it. Being unartistic as I am I refused of course, but holiday decors cannot be put off  she asked me of course to help her put it up.

             That's when I found out that beneath the glamour the dust comes first. I wont forget the sneezing and wiping I had to do. But of course I didn't do it all some still has dust in them. you can't blame those are enough to trigger allergies you didn't know you had, but still I survived. Now all the basic decors are up, and I just hope that I won't have to put up anything again.

Our half- lit christmas tree