Friday, November 04, 2011

Baby Steps to Dream Come True

      One fine Wednesday evening I got home feeling pleased with myself. I was so pleased I just blurted out to my brother that I finally created my own blog account. But I wasn't ready with his reaction. I admit I expected him to be happy for me but that did not happen. He just asked me sarcastically what the hell am I gonna do with a blog. I ignored him wanting to feel pleased about myself a little more, but it definitely got me remembering way back when the concept of blogging was new to me. Back then I was only concerned about bragging, and I have only one thing in my mind that is to own a blog.
     Fast forward to the future, I am actually more than excited to start this blog. It would actually be hitting a lot of green pigs with one angry bird. With this blog I am actually fulfilling one life's ambition to the next. Ambitions that I might have given up on and presented with another chance to be fulfilled.

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